Economics 374
Research Seminar:
Topics in Policy Evaluation and Modern Microeconometrics
Spring 2013

Instructor: James J. Heckman (
Lecture time: Tuesdays, 3:00pm-6:00pm
Lecture classroom: Rosenwald 301

Guest Lecturers:
Teaching Assistants: TA sessions: TA Office Hours: Please make an appointment, and a location will be chosen.

If you experience problems with this website, please contact Jennifer Pachon.

Class Overview

This course presents research topics in modern microeconometrics as it is relevant for policy analysis.

The grade is determined by homework exercises (50%) and by a final take-home exam (50%--students will have 3 days to write the exam).


NOTE: The lecture notes are posted here for your convenience. Professor Heckman is likely to edit them significantly over the course of the quarter. Please keep this in mind if you intend to print them out.

Topic I. Causal Models and the Evaluation of Economic Policy (First Two Lectures)

Topic II. Classical Discrete Choice Theory


Topic III. The Roy Model and the Generalized Roy Model


Topic IV: Instrumental Variables in Choice Models


Topic V: Social Experiments

Topic VI: Matching: Nonparametric OLS

Topic VII: Distributional Treatment Effects and Factor Models